Package 'pubmedtk'

Title: 'Pubmed' Toolkit
Description: Provides various functions for retrieving and interpreting information from 'Pubmed' via the API, <>.
Authors: Benjamin Gregory Carlisle [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Benjamin Gregory Carlisle <[email protected]>
License: AGPL (>= 3)
Version: 1.0.4
Built: 2025-02-12 03:25:00 UTC

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Downloads metadata from Pubmed API for a single provided PMID and exports


Downloads metadata from Pubmed API for a single provided PMID and exports


get_metadata_from_one_pmid(pmid, api_key)



A single PMID, e.g. "29559429"


A valid Pubmed API key


A named list with 7 elements:

`$pubmed_dl_success`, which is TRUE in the case that a
corresponding Pubmed record was found and metadata
downloaded and FALSE otherwise.

`$doi`, a character string containing the DOI for the
publication with the PMID in question.

`$languages`, a list of languages corresponding to the
publication with the PMID in question.

`$pubtypes`, a list of publication types corresponding to the
publication with the PMID in question.

`$pubdate`, the listed publication date

`$epubdate`, the listed e-publication date

`$authors`, a list of authors of the publication with the PMID
in question.

`$abstract`, a character string containing the abstract for the
publication with the PMID in question.


## Not run: 
## Read in API key
ak <- readLines("api_key.txt")

## Download Pubmed metadata
mdata <- get_metadata_from_one_pmid("29559429", ak)

## Extract first author

## End(Not run)

Downloads metadata from Pubmed API for a column of PMID's in a data frame


Downloads metadata from Pubmed API for a column of PMID's in a data frame


get_metadata_from_pmids(df, column, api_key, quiet = FALSE)



A dataframe containing a column of PMID's


The name of the column containing PMID's


A valid Pubmed API key


A boolean TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, no progress messages will be printed during download. FALSE by default, messages printed for every version downloaded showing progress.


A data frame containing the original columns as well as seven additional columns:

The `pubmed_dl_success` column is TRUE in the case that
metadata were successfully downloaded from Pubmed; FALSE in the
case that an error occurred during downloading (e.g. due to a
number that is well-formed but does not correspond to a true
PMID); NA in the case that the supplied PMID is not well-formed
(e.g. NA or non-numeric).

The `doi` column returns a DOI that corresponds to the PMID
supplied if one is found, NA otherwise.

The `languages` column contains a JSON-encoded list of
languages for the article in question.

The `pubtypes` column contains a JSON-encoded list of
publication types for the article in question.

The `pubdate` column contains a character string with the
publication date

The `epubdate` column contains a character string with the
e-publication date

The `authors` column contains a JSON-encoded list of authors
for the article in question.

The `abstract` column contains a character string with the
abstract for the article in question.


## Not run: 
## Read in API key
ak <- readLines("api_key.txt")

## Example publications and their corresponding PMID's (some valid
## and some not)
pubs <- tibble::tribble(

## Download Pubmed metadata
pm_meta <- get_metadata_from_pmids(pubs, "pmid", ak)

## Extract DOI's for those that were successfully downloaded
pm_meta %>%
  dplyr::select(pmid, doi)

## A tibble: 2 × 2
##   pmid     doi                    
##   <chr>    <chr>                  
## 1 29559429 10.1136/bmj.k959       
## 2 28837722 10.1001/jama.2017.11502

## End(Not run)

Downloads PMID results for a column of Pubmed search queries in a data frame


Downloads PMID results for a column of Pubmed search queries in a data frame


get_pmids_from_searches(df, column, api_key, quiet = FALSE)



A dataframe containing a column of Pubmed search queries. This data frame cannot have columns with the following names: pubmed_search_success, pmids.


The name of the column containing Pubmed search queries


A valid Pubmed API key


A boolean TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, no progress messages will be printed during download. FALSE by default, messages printed for every version downloaded showing progress.


A data frame containing the original columns as well as three additional columns:

The `pubmed_search_success` column is TRUE in the case that the
search rcesults were successfully obtained from Pubmed; FALSE
in the case that an error occurred in search (e.g. due to a
search query that is not well-formed).

The `n_results` column contains the number of research results
for the query provided.

The `pmids` column returns a JSON-encoded list of PMID's for
the search query provided.


## Not run: 
## Read in API key
ak <- readLines("api_key.txt")

## Example Pubmed searches, some valid, some not, some with more
## than 10k results
searches <- tribble(
  "Carlisle B[Author]",
  "(Clinical Trial[Publication Type])",

## Download search results
results <- get_pmids_from_searches(searches, "terms", ak)

## End(Not run)

Checks a column of PMID's for whether or not they would appear in a Pubmed search result.


Checks a column of PMID's for whether or not they would appear in a Pubmed search result.


  batch_size = 1000,
  quiet = FALSE



A dataframe containing a column of PMID's


The name of the column containing PMID's


A character string containing a valid Pubmed search query


A valid Pubmed API key


An integer greater than 0 and less than 10000


A boolean TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, no progress messages will be printed during download. FALSE by default.


A data frame containing the original columns, as well as two additional ones: pm_checked and found_in_pm_query.

The new `pm_checked` column is TRUE if Pubmed was successfully
queried and NA if Pubmed was not checked for that PMID (this
may occur in cases where the PMID to be checked is not

The new `found_in_pm_query` column is TRUE if the PMID in
question would appear in a search of Pubmed defined by the
query provided; FALSE if it would not appear in such a search
and NA if the PMID in question was not checked (this may occur
in cases where the PMID is not well-formed).


## Not run: 
## Read in API key
ak <- readLines("api_key.txt")

## Example publications and their corresponding PMID's (some valid
## and some not)
pubs <- tibble::tribble(
  "one hundred of them",

## Check which ones were authored by Carlisle:
intersection_check(pubs, "pmid", "Carlisle[Author]", ak)

## End(Not run)